A Father / Grandparents Love

Isn’t it funny how a period of time can feel like you have been away so long, yet also feel like it has flown bye. We have just arrived back from the states after meeting our first grandchild, Wesley John Cammell. Born to our eldest, Bevan and his wife Molly.

Some four months before we embarked on our adventure, I had a conversation with a gentleman on an evening boat cruise I was skippering. He was from the U S, I had mention we were heading that way soon to meet our first Grandchild. His response. “You know, you think you know what love is, then your first grandchild is born and it goes to a whole other level.” As he said this I’m sure I saw tears well up in his eyes.

At the time I thought I knew what he meant. When we were told of Wesleys coming arrival, I felt quite overwhelmed. But as I held wee Wesley for the first time at Denver airport, I was flooded with a overwhelming love which only increased over our stay there. And when came time to leave … well it was one of the hardest goodbyes I’ve said in my life.

Since our return I have got to thinking, why? Why do I feel such love for this little life. On the whole I do like babies, who doesn’t. They’re soft and cute and helpless. But I would have to say what I felt – feel – runs way deeper than anything I’ve ever experienced.

I have let this question hang in my mind for a while. I have sat with Jill (my wife) and asked her what she thought. Was she experiencing the same? Yes. But she has no answers either.

Maybe there is no immediate answer. Maybe it’s one of those wonderful mysteries of love.

Maybe it’s also a glimpse of how our Heavenly Father feels about us from the moment we are Born.

5 Comments on “A Father / Grandparents Love

  1. I totally am with you – from a grandparent to another..
    Have the same feelings when we meet with our growing family. The feeling of being so blessed. The increased circle of love. God especially dwells within Family of all kinds. That’s why it’s so important to pray for our Family.


  2. Lovely Ian. I haven’t experienced it yet but throughly enjoying the joy you are both feeling.


  3. I have just spent two weeks with Charlotte, my three month old grand daughter from Perth. The intensity of love expressed and felt consumes you totally as you are fixated in gazing upon this new treasure in your life. All else fades in comparison as you treasure each moment spent together. The ache left in your heart upon departure can only be relieved as a fresh dose of Father’s love is released back into your heart.
    Off to the U.S.A. In March to experience more of the same with my new grandson, who will be four months old.

    I love it when your children become parents. A whole new relationship forms. Thanks for sharing Ian.


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